Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Rural secondary school #ibmcsc South Africa

In my last post I talked about our trip to a rural primary school.   When we had finished there, rather than take us directly back to the hotel our host took us down a different road

on the way to Thuthukia Secondary School
...past some more stunning scenery ... on the way to Thuthukia Secondary School on the way to Thuthukia Secondary School on the way to Thuthukia Secondary School
... to a secondary school of  about 250 learners which had a very similar basic layout to the primary schools with buildings around 4 sides of a central area.
 Thuthukia Secondary School
The principal did have an office here but again no internet connectivity. Thuthukia Secondary School
The previous school was benefiting from a program of repairs so it was perhaps no surprise that there were more obvious structural challenges at this school such as many broken or missing windows.

Thuthukia Secondary School
What struck me most though was the barren classrooms. This one wasn't in use but was characteristic of those that were which were bare shells that simply contained desks for the learners and chalk boards at the front. 
 Classroom - Thuthukia Secondary School Classroom - Thuthukia Secondary School

As with the other school it was impressive to see that despite the obvious challenges the school was managing to improvise and deliver an education to their learners.  South African schooling ends with the "Matric" exam.  This school was focusing on business courses ( we got to drop in on an economics lesson during our tour).  Though there is a range of courses listed for the matric exam there is the practical issue of number of teachers and for a school this size there simply isn't aren't sufficient teachers to provide the range of specialisms that would be needed to deliver a wide ranging curriculum.  Struck by the contrast with the equivalent stage of schooling back home where we have Peter Symonds College and its phenomenal scale and range of courses on offer.

Meeting and tour of school completed we headed back out through the school gate....
Main gate - Thuthukia Secondary School
.... and back down the track through the forests en route to Pietermaritzburg and our base.Heading back to base Heading back to base

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