The reason? An early pickup so we could head north again to Dundee where we would be delivering a second, more in depth, workshop on Teachers TryScience to our group of Subject Advisers.
Uneventful journey through the changing countryside to Dundee. As we drove through town I spotted the Tayside Liquor Store and wondered how many of the people shopping there would ever realise the link between Tayside and Dundee.
We arrived at the venue we were expecting to be using to discover that there had been a change of plan and we needed to relocate to another building - thankfully also in Dundee. Short drive later and we arrived at the Umzinyathi Community Centre.
The room we were to use looked very promising. We were going to need the attendees to log on to a website and the room was equipped with computers.
We also believed that the centre was connected to the internet. Sadly it turned out that whilst both of those statements were true the computers in the room we had were not linked in to the internet connection. Thankfully we had a backup plan in the shape of some 3G data USB sticks that we were able to use instead though the signal was not great - probably not helped by the wire mesh on the windows.
An unexpected bonus was the announcement that cups of tea /coffee were available in a dining room down the corridor. Extra surprise when we discovered that there were also some sandwiches for lunch - if I've learnt one thing during this month it is to keep schedules flexible to accommodate unexpected developments.
I did rather like the crockery ...
Workshop went well and come 3pm we were back in the car and heading back to Pietermaritzburg happy that we had managed to cover the material that we wanted and had hopefully laid some good foundations that will enable the adoption of some content from the TeachersTryScience website in lesson planning for next term.
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