Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Adding Parkruns C and D to the list

Over the last few weeks I've had the chance to add 2 more letters to my growing collection of parkruns I have completed.

Given that we were taking our daughter to an interview day at Cardiff Metropolitan that meant we were at the campus for 8:30am on a Saturday it would have been rude not to have taken the opportunity to do the Cardiff Parkrun a few hundred meters down the road.   A popular event with well over 700 people taking part made for a crowded start line though the field rapidly spread out along a lovely course beside the river.

Last Saturday a visit back to Durham offered the opportunity of a morning visit to the University Sports Centre at Maiden Castle for their parkrun.  I remember visiting the sports centre to play squash   but that was while I was at school so fair to say it was a considerable number of years ago.   Another lovely riverside course, though recently changed and hence not quite as described on the web site.   The finish line is some distance from the start and the route back is not 100% obvious.  Given that you don't get any marshals after the finish line I recommend you find someone who looks like they know where they are going and follow them - or do what we did and ask someone when you find yourself at the boat club.

With C and D added to the list I'm now up to 7 letters in my parkrun alphabet.    Will be back in Winchester for a few weeks now though I think aiming to cross that 30 minute barrier.  

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