Sunday, 16 June 2013

Walking the Clarendon Way

A couple of weeks ago on 2nd June we walked the Clarendon Way as part of the annual fundraising event organised by a local children's Hospice Naomi House

The walk starts at Winchester Cathedral and ends 26 miles later at Salisbury Cathedral.  Thankfully we had some great weather that day with plenty of sunshine but also a breeze so it wasn't too hot.  Really impressed by the organisation of the whole day with plenty of marshall points offering bottles of water and a cheery word.

We'd done so training before the day but the longest walk we'd done as part of that was 18 miles so weren't sure how 26 would go.  In the event it went well, though undoubtedly a little sore and tired when we stopped at the end we suffered no major issues.   One of the biggest challenges was getting moving again after we'd spent 40 mins on the coach back to Winchester - the steps to get out are very steep when you've seized up a bit :-)

We started just after 8am so I thought I'd take a series of photos every hour to chart our progress through the day....

8am and ready for the start ....Ready for the start

9am Olivers Battery 9am - Olivers Battery

10am West Wood 10am West wood

11am countryside 11am

Noon and some very welcome nourishment to help us on the last few miles to Broughton some welcome noon time nourishment
1pm At Broughton and enjoying the delicious pre-ordered lunch. 1pm lunchtime

2pm - more lovely countryside passes by 2pm countryside

3pm Crossing fields 3pm crossing the fields

4pm Getting steadily closer - but I'm sure one of the marshals a few miles back said "It's downhill all the way now..." 4pm - getting closer

4:30pm OK - not on the hour but an important moment as we first see the spire of Salisbury Cathedral in the not too far distance... 4:30 - first glimpse of the spire

5pm Almost there, on the streets of Salisbury.... 5pm on the streets of Salisbury

If you're in Hampshire/Wiltshire and looking for a challenge in aid of a good cause then I can heartily commend the Naomi House Clarendon Way to you.

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