We had the Littleton and Harestock Show Service in the morning so, after a quick lunch, we headed for the station and a train to Waterloo.
Journey went very smoothly into Waterloo and then out to Stratford on the Jubilee Line and a short walk to the Olympic Park. It was fantastic during the whole day to see just how good the organisation was and how smoothly everything worked.
We'd been told to expect Airport Style security as we entered the Park. I'd actually like to see airports starting to provide "London 2012 Style" security as, despite the volumes of people arriving, we flowed through ticket checks and then straight on and through the scanning getting into the event without hardly breaking step.
It's a very impressive place with all the buildings but also all of the other parts - the flower areas, walkways, picnic areas etc all very well thought out even if this view does rather remind me of "The War of the Worlds".
Here's the view down to our seats - that's us down in the second row! Comfy seats, a desk area to spread out our stuff, masses of space and fantastic views - it's fair to say that we were more than a little pleased.
... and ahead of us we have...
Over the next 3 hours we were treated to an inspiring display of track and field events. By the end of it we'd even managed to get a reasonable grip of all the various category definitions. The first letter ("F" or "T") just designated Field/Track. The first number indicated the nature of the disability so for example 1 meant "visual", 5 meant "wheelchair". The final number indicates the severity with the lower the number being the more severe. My understanding had reached a sufficient level to make me do a double take when they announced the F11 Discus event ! Amazing to see them manage to throw the discus so reliably - I can't begin to imagine the amount of dedicated training that must take.
The men's 200m T44 was undoubtedly the most anticipated event of the evening and certainly lived up to its billing as a very exciting race. Looking at the athletes after the race was over it was interesting to see how, with 10 blades and 4 legs, it was the legs that somehow looked anomalous.
We were conscious that if we missed the 2254 from Waterloo the next train was at 0030 so we'd decided to leave the stadium and make our way home a few minutes before the 2205 scheduled end of the session. Sadly that means we missed the excitement of the Team GB win in the 5000m T54 event but we did make it back to Waterloo in time for our train home. Again it is worth noting just how smoothly everything went. Despite the huge numbers of people entering Stratford Station there was a steady flow of long tube trains arriving every few minutes to take people away.
A truly wonderful event and great to have had the chance to be there to experience the atmosphere and see all the things going on around the stadium that the TV coverage just doesn't capture in the same way.
In closing a word of thanks too to all of the Games Makers for the huge impact they have had in making our trip and the whole event the success it is. The lady on the high chair outside Stratford Station getting the throngs of people heading into the station to join her in a rendition of "If you're happy and you know it..." was probably one of the most effective ways of defusing tension and stress at just the right moment that I've seen - genius.
If you want to see a few more photos from our trip to the Paralympics then they can be found in my Flickr Set London 2012 Paralympic Games.
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