As with so many things, once you start you discover all sorts of benefits that you never imagined before. Seeking to locate the caches is providing a wonderful incentive to get out and go for walks in the area and I'm discovering lots of parts of Winchester and surrounding countryside that I'd never explored before. Looking to see if there are any caches nearby can also lead you to some surprising discoveries - such as the cache at the site of the old quarry at Leigh Delamare (East bound) services that I was introduced to the other week.
I recently paid the modest fee to become "premium member" and hence access to lots of lovely statistics.
Here are my figures for the number of finds each month....
I've not found any really hard caches yet (though I have to say I've struggled to locate some of the ones I have found).
Most have been close to home but I've found a few further afield....
... and this accounts for the further afield ones....

My target for 2012 is to locate all of the caches within 5 miles of my house - as of today there are a total of 161 with 126 still to find. Given the recent flurry of new ones that have been created in this area however it may prove a bit of a moving target so we shall have to see how we do but I'm looking forward to continuing to explore new parts of the lovely countryside round Winchester in the process.